GoJR Code of Conduct

This code of conduct sets out what is expected from a member of The Guild of Jewellery Retailers. Members should display this code on their website in the form of a separate notice. A printed version should also be displayed in their business premises. (Available to download in your member account) This signifies that members agree to abide by the code and acknowledges their commitment to adhere to its contents.

As a member of The Guild of Jewellery Retailers we will:

Fully and accurately describe jewellery, watches and other goods and services for sale.

Comply fully with any enquiry to resolve any disputes and accept the findings and decision.

In the event of proceedings, we will comply with all legal rulings.

Refrain from any conduct or process that may misguide or deceive you.

Act responsibly.

Deal with any complaints in an appropriate, prompt and fair manner and, in the event of a dispute, clearly explain the GoJR procedure for mediation, providing the GoJR Code of Conduct Officer’s contact details to expedite a timely outcome.

Act honestly with integrity and competence


GoJR members will at all times:

Endeavour to improve their skills, competence and professionalism in themselves and their employees Only accept work for which they are experienced in or have the resources to contract out to a fully qualified professional.

Be conscious of and implement best safety practice procedures throughout their work surroundings.

Ensure that the goods sold and/or fulfilled as commissions are exactly as described and of as high a standard as advertised.


GoJR members will at all times:

Organise themselves and run their businesses in such a manner as to not bring the jewellery industry into discredit.

Withhold making misleading or false statements about any member of the jewellery industry .

Refrain from public criticism of any GoJR member.

Fulfil all guarantees and warranties presented to customers as required by law.

Put in to action all reasonable procedures to prevent trade in conflict diamonds and gemstones.

Abide by current UK hallmarking regulations and assure that all items are appropriately marked.

Be polite, courteous and communicate in a way that does not bring ourselves, the GoJR or the UK jewellery industry into disrepute.


GoJR members will at all times:

Accept all national laws and regulations applicable to running a UK business.

Guarantee that all promotional, advertising and sales materials and practices comply with Advertising Standards Authority codes and UK legislation.

Utilise every effort to protect their customers against any deceit, misrepresentation or unethical procedures which may happen in the jewellery industry.

Cooperate fully with any hearing conducted by the GoJR to resolve disputes involving a customer or another GoJR, GoJD or BPA member.

In the event that a difference of opinion occurs between ourself and a client, use the GoJR mediation service to resolve the issue as opposed to allowing a breakdown in the business-client relationship.